
Alpas uses Simple Logging Facade, SLF4J, internally for writing log messages. This allows you to use any SLF4J implementations of your choice in your own web app. The log files are kept under storage/logs folder.

You can easily configure the location and the name of the output file if you want. However, we recommend keeping it the way it is.

When scaffolding a new project, Alpas sets your web app to use the venerable Logback library. You can replace it with any other SLF4J compatible libraries but given its power and flexibility, Logback is what we use and highly recommend.


Alpas does away with the traditional way of configuring your app using xml and properties files. However, configuring logging is done using a couple of xml files. To make it convenient, two xml configuration files for Logback is created for you when you scaffold a new project. Make sure to copy these files to your production server especially if you are deploying using a fat JAR.

  • app_log_config.xml

This config file is for when your web app is serving HTTP requests. By default, all the error logs are printed to stdout, all the internal info logs are appended to a log file, and all the warnings from an HttpCall are appended to the log file as well.

Also, a TimeBasedRollingPolicy is configured for you, which performs a daily rollover of your logs and keeps 10 days' worth of history capped at 50 MB of total log size. This means your old logs get deleted either after 10 days or once the combined log files size reaches 50 MB, whichever comes first. You are free to configure it as per your requirements, of course!

  • console_log_config.xml

This config file is used when you are running Alpas console commands. To reduce clutter, only the errors are logged to stdout. Everything else is ignored. You can configure it according to your needs.

HttpCall Logger

Every HttpCall gets its own instance of a logger. Most of the times you will be using this logger to log a message. There are different levels of logging - trace, debug, info, warn, and error and each level has its corresponding methods for actual logging of a message. You can either log a string message or a Throwable object. You can also log an object of type Any? for which the return value of its toString() will be logged.

fun index(call: HttpCall) {

   call.logger.warn("This is a warning!")
   // or lazy log a message. Useful for logging expensive objects as they are 
   // only called if logging is configured to actually log the message.
   call.logger.warn { "This is a warning!" }
   call.abort(412, "Something is wrong!")

Dedicated Logger

If instead of using the logger from HttpCall doesn't work for you, you can easily create a new instance of a logger like so: val myLogger = KotlinLogging.logger {}.

This creates an instance of KLogger, the name of which is set to the name of the class declaring it. If you want to give your own name to this logger, you could do something like: val myLogger = KotlinLogging.logger("myname")

Configuring a Dedicated Logger

Let's say you have a dedicated logger val myLogger = KotlinLogging.logger {} inside a class com.example.LogTest. You could configure this logger by doing something like the following in app_log_config.xml file:

<configuration scan="true">
    <!-- ... -->
    <!-- ... -->

    <logger name="com.example.LogTest" level="error">
        <appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>

    <logger name="com.example.LogTest" level="warn">
        <appender-ref ref="FILE"/>

    <!-- ... -->

With the above configuration, the error log messages will be printed to stdout and warnings are appended to the storage/logs/alpas.log file.

/power/ Under the hood, Alpas utilizes kotlin-logging—a very performant logging library that wraps slf4j with Kotlin extensions.