Password Reset
Allowing users to reset their forgotten passwords is a feature provided by pretty much every app that allows account registration with a password. Alpas provides all the views, controllers, and everything else an app needs for supporting password reset feature with almost no effort from your side.
Alpas creates a secure time-boxed token and saves it in the database whenever a user requests a password reset email. Any previous tokens will first be removed. After the token is saved, an email is sent to the reset email address containing a link.
When the user clicks this link, they are redirected to the auth/passwords/reset
page, which asks the user to enter
their email address and a password. If the token has not yet expired and all the user's inputs are valid, the
user's record is updated with a hashed version of the new password, the token is deleted, user is
logged in and then redirected to /
/tip/ The password reset token expires in 2 hours by default, which you can change by overriding
property. We recommend keeping it to a small expiration duration for security reasons.
Database Setup
We need to store the password reset token in the database for which we need a table. When you scaffold a project,
a migration for creating both users
table and password_reset_tokens
table is created for you under
folder. If you have run the migration already, this table should already exist
in the table. If not, you need to migrate your tables using db:migrate
$ alpas db:migrate
Debugging Reset Emails
During development, it is very convenient to save email messages locally. Alpas supports saving all your
email messages to storage/mails
folder by using LocalMailDriver
. To use this driver, make sure
the value of MAIL_DRIVER
is set to local
in your .env
Reset Notification
By default, after a token is created, a ResetPassword
notification is dispatched. This notification is
responsible for composing an email and sending it to the user. If you'd rather deliver the notification
by a different means, say, SMS, you can override sendPasswordResetNotification()
method in
Tweaking Email's Look-&-Feel
template is what gets rendered and sent as an HTML
email to the user. Feel free to tweak this template according to your needs.
Redirecting User After Sending Link
After sending an email with a link, the user is redirected back to same reset request page with a flash notification.
If you want to redirect them somewhere else, override fun afterResetLinkSentRedirectTo(call: HttpCall): String?
method and return the route you want.
Disabling Password Reset
If you do not want to allow your users to reset their password, you can disable it completely
by passing allowPasswordReset = false
flag while calling authRoutes()
fun Router.addRoutes() = apply {
// No password reset related routes will be added
authRoutes(allowPasswordReset = false)
/alert/ Setting
flag tofalse
only makes sure the reset routes are not added but doesn't remove links from templates and controllers. Make sure to go through all your templates and controllers and remove any links to password reset route. There should be one such link inresources/templates/auth/login.peb